What I wish you knew about your feelings: My letter to children

 This is a letter I wish I could share with children struggling with their feelings. It is so natural for children to struggle to cope and understand their big feelings – they can be so big and so intense, that their brains and their bodies haven’t yet learned how to structure them and understand them. Let’s be honest though, that even happens with us grown ups sometimes too! Anyway, I hope your child can find peace in this letter, feel free to share it along with them!  

Hey there, amazing kid! 👋

Today, I want to talk to you about something really important: your emotions. You know, those feelings you get when you’re happy, sad, angry, or even scared. Emotions can sometimes feel confusing or overwhelming, but guess what? They are a very normal part of being human! Here are some cool facts and tips about emotions that I think you’ll find super helpful.

Emotions are like the weather 🌦️

Imagine your emotions are like the weather. Sometimes, it’s sunny and bright, and you feel happy and excited. Other times, it’s stormy and cloudy, and you might feel sad or angry. Just like the weather changes, your emotions always change too. And that’s okay!

Remember: Just because you’re feeling a certain way right now doesn’t mean you’ll feel that way forever. Emotions come and go.

All emotions are important 👍

Every emotion you feel is important and has a purpose. Even the ones that don’t feel so good, like anger or sadness, are there to tell you something.

  • Happiness means you’re enjoying something.

  • Sadness can help you understand that something matters to you.

  • Anger might be a signal that something is unfair.

  • Fear can keep you safe from danger.

Tip: Instead of trying to push away your feelings, try to understand what they’re telling you.

 It’s okay to show your emotions 😊😢😡😱

You might sometimes hear people say things like “big boys/girls don’t cry” or “don’t be angry.” But it’s really important to know that it’s okay to show your emotions. Keeping them inside can make you feel worse.

Tip: Talk to someone you trust, like a parent, teacher, or friend, about how you’re feeling. Sharing your emotions can make them easier to handle.

 Everyone feels emotions, even grown-ups 🧔👩‍🦳

Believe it or not, adults have emotions just like you! We feel happy, sad, angry, and scared too. Sometimes, we might not show it as much, but we definitely have feelings.

Remember: Understanding your own emotions can help you understand other people’s feelings better. This is called empathy, and it’s a superpower that helps you be a great friend!

 You can learn to handle your emotions 💪

Just like you learn to ride a bike or play a game, you can learn to handle your emotions. Here are some tricks to help you out:

  • Take deep breaths: If you’re feeling really strong emotions, like anger or fear, take some deep breaths to help calm down.

  • Count to 10: Before reacting to something that makes you upset, try counting to 10 sloooowly. This gives you a moment to think before you act.

  • Write it down: Keeping a journal where you write about your feelings can help you understand them better.

  • Do something fun: Sometimes, doing something you enjoy, like drawing, playing outside, or listening to music, can help change your mood.

 It’s good to ask for help 🆘

If you’re ever feeling stuck with your emotions or if they’re really strong and won’t go away, it’s important to ask for help. Talking to someone you trust can make a big difference.

Remember: Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

 Emotions make life colourful 🎨

Imagine if we only had one colour to paint with. That would be pretty boring, right? Emotions are like different colours that make life interesting and full. Even the tough emotions add to your life in important ways.

Fun fact: When you learn to understand and handle your emotions, you become even stronger and more awesome!

So there you have it, superstar! Your emotions are a powerful part of who you are. They help you understand the world and connect with others. Embrace them, learn from them, and don’t be afraid to show them. You’re doing great, and I’m really proud of you!

Keep being you, and remember, it’s okay to feel!!