It's ok to tell your child...

We know already how it important it is for our child to know they are unconditionally loved, respected, and cared for. Those are easier words to tell our children, and come out so easily and frequently - “I love you”.

This post is more about some challenging phrases to tell your child. Those phrases your child needs to hear from us. Phrases that will build their resilience, develop their emotional understanding, utilise their coping skills, grow their awareness and empathy … All of which are skills that will lead to fulfilling and calmer lives in our little ones.

Below are 3 important phrases you can practice saying to your child.

  1. “Sometimes we do what we want to do. Other times we do what we have to do. This, right now, is something that we have to do. I know it can feel hard; and I also know that you can do it, and that you will be OK”.

  2. “Sometimes we get what we want. Other times we don’t. I know it doesn’t feel good to not get what you want. You can feel upset; I know you will be OK”.

  3. “Sometimes I feel angry with you. Other times you feel angry with me. That is OK. My feelings are mine, and your feelings are yours. All our feelings, difficult, pleasant, beautiful and unpleasant, come and go like the waves in the sea”.