15 alternatives to "How was your day?"

Children don’t always respond as we would like them to when directly asked “How was your day?”. I can relate to the frustration when wanting to hear anything about their day, and I was just slapped back with a simple and quick “good”. So here are some alternatives you can try!

  1. Tell me about something that made you laugh today!

  2. What 3 words would you use to describe your best friend/teacher?

  3. How were you helpful today?

  4. How would you rate your day so far from 1-10?

  5. If you had the power to relive one thing from today, what would it be?

  6. If you could plan tomorrow’s lesson, what would you teach your class about?

  7. Tell me about something that was challenging about your day today!

  8. If you could be the teacher tomorrow, what would you do the same as your teacher?

  9. If you could be the teacher tomorrow, what would you change about the lessons?

  10. Can you teach me one of the games you were playing at break today?

  11. Is there something that is worrying you that you would like to talk about?

  12. If you had a thousand euros to buy anything you wanted for school, what would that be?

  13. Let’s arrange for a new friend from school to come at our house, who would you pick?

  14. Can you teach me about something you learned at school?

  15. What is a routine you have at school that you would like us to have at home also?