ADHD appreciation post
I’ve come to understand and accept the eccentricities that come with a diagnosis of ADHD. I’ve learned how truly special children with ADHD are. They have gifts that are unique. Their creativity, sensitivity, and humour are parallel to none.
Their way of looking at the world is incredibly unique. In retrospect, I can honestly say that children with ADHD have been my best teachers.
When working with families who have one or more members with ADHD, my goal is to help the child and the family understand that ADHD is not a defect, it is not a problem, and it doesn’t make you any less than anyone else. My goal is to help your child learn the right tools to understand that ADHD can be an asset.
Children with ADHD understand, to some level, that there are limitations in their difficulties. That means they enter the world and many situations with negative self-views - a perspective that does not help any child thrive! It is our responsibility to show them how to live life to the fullest with their ADHD, not despite of it.